Building Legacy

  Phase 1          Phase 2          Phase 3          360 Exterior  


God is calling us to bigger things.  We are investing the inheritance we have been given and taking risk.  God has promised us that if we take risk, He will show up and meet us in our step of faith.  Buidling Legacy is not about renovating or building an addition to our current building, it is about positioning ourselves and perparing for what God is calling us into.  If you are part of the King's Gate family and were not able to attend the vision meeting on March 11, 2020 please take time to watch the presentation.  You can find the presentation by clicking on the Presentation button below.  If you are a part of our King's Gate Church extended family or you feel like our vision speaks to you, we welcome you to join with us as we raise the resources we need to Build Legacy.  To give to this project please click on the donate button below.  Blessings!

 Cost Break Down           Presentation          Existing vs New           Donate  

A big thank you to our Architect!