Releasing the Kingdom

on Earth as it is in Heaven

Who We Are

Core Values

God’s Presence - We pursue God relentlessly so that our lives become a dwelling place for His presence and when people encounter us they encounter Him.
Family - There is room for everyone at the table. God is a good Father and we are His children.  All kingdom government is based on family; He places the solitary in families.
Restoration - Salvation brings healing and freedom to all things so that we can reign in life through Jesus Christ.  He is returning for a Bride without spot or wrinkle.
Trailblazing - There is always more to explore.  We passionately press forward to advance the kingdom until an awareness of His Glory covers the earth as the waters cover the seas.
Mobilizing - Our mandate is to change the world through acts of supernatural love and generosity in every sphere of society.  Every believer is a supernatural minister.

Mission Statement:
Releasing the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven.
(Psalm 24:7 Lift up your heads, O gates, And be lifted up, O ancient doors, That the King of glory may come in!)
We are called to establish heaven here on earth by embracing the culture of the King.
Kingdom Culture is:
  • a culture of grace
  • a culture of honour
  • a culture of generosity
  • a culture of freedom
  • a culture of courage


King's Gate Church is an apostolic house that is passionate to see the kingdom of heaven released.  We believe that when Jesus taught us the Lord's prayer He was serious when He said, "on earth as it is in heaven."  We believe that God wants to establish His kingdom here on earth right now.  We do not have to wait to die to live in the kingdom of God, so we live to bring His kingdom to earth.

The job of every believer is to live a life of significance spreading the kingdom of God to all corners of the earth.  We accomplish this by living as Jesus and the Apostles lived.  We train and
empower the people of God to enter into their identity as priests and ministers of God.  When the saints of God know who they are in Christ, then they are able to spread the kingdom of God where ever they go.  As Jesus and the Apostles taught us, we beileve in praying for the sick and seeing them healed, praying for the dead and seeing them raised, and casting out demons and dispelling the kingdom of darkness (Matt. 10:8).

The presence of God is at the centre of all we do.  We believe the presence of God is manifest in the person of the Holy Spirit who was sent to us as our helper and to empower us (Luke 24:49; John 15:26).   When a believer is empowered by the Holy Spirit and linked to the authority of Christ , then there is nothing that is impossible for us to do for God.  Our God can do all things, and through Christ we can do all things.



We believe most assuredly:
  1. The Bible is the inspired Word of God and is the only true, earthly, full revelation of God’s truth that exists.
  1. That God has revealed Himself as “One God” existing and manifest in three distinct persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  1. In the test and fall of man, his lost state as recorded in the Bible, and in his subsequent depravity and inability to attain righteousness before God outside of Jesus Christ.
  1. In the reality and personality of Satan who is a fallen cherub.  He was once the covering angel called Lucifer of the very throne of God.  Now he chooses to oppose God’s will and confuse God’s people.
  1. In the Lord Jesus Christ as the only Saviour of mankind, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary. He is very God and very man.
  1. That Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again from the dead on the third day, which is the Gospel stated in the Bible.  He also after His resurrection appeared in person to His disciples.
  1. In Jesus Christ’s bodily ascension into heaven and He is now seated at the place of all authority at the right hand of the Father.  That this same Jesus will literally, bodily come again the second time with and for a victorious Church.
  1. That the salvation of man was provided through the Cross of Calvary and that through faith in Christ’s atoning work we can be saved.
  1. That through apostasy, unbelief, and neglect, a person can backslide and fall away from the living God.
  1. In Water Baptism by immersion at or subsequent to a sincere profession of faith in Jesus Christ, as Saviour and Lord.  This Baptism is a commandment not an option.
  1. In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as taught clearly in the Bible.  It is an experience subsequent to salvation with scriptural evidences, such as speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
  1. In the present-day operation of the supernatural Gifts of the Holy Spirit as was manifest in the early Church and taught about extensively by the Apostle Paul.  Further to this we believe in the healing power of God as manifest in both the Old and New Testaments, and that the release of God’s supernatural power, should naturally flow out of Christian believers living a Holy Spirit-filled life.
  1. In living a Spirit-filled life of obedience to God’s will, in thought, word, and deed. That is, true Christians will progressively become more Christ-like as they walk with God and grow up to full maturity in the Lord.  That spiritual growth and maturity comes directly from the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, worshiping God, prayer, studying and walking in obedience to the Word of God, and actively serving God as part of a local Church.
  1. In the necessity of celebrating the Lord’s Table (Communion) for all believers, as instituted and commanded by the Lord Jesus Christ, practiced by the early Church, and taught by the Apostle Paul.
  1. In the bodily Resurrection of the Dead and a Day of Judgement when all those who have been born-again through believing on the Lord Jesus Christ will have eternal life.  All those who have not been born-again and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ shall be seperated from God eternally by being cast into Hell.
  1. That the Church of Jesus Christ is the only true work of God in the earth through which He will reveal Himself and redeem mankind, and that the Church is the only vehicle through which He will accomplish His eternal purpose.  To this end we believe in the current work of God to Restore the Church back to spiritual power, and into God’s original purpose to become the Holy Spotless Bride of Christ manifesting the image, truth, power, and glory of God.  That the true Church represents God’s kingdom on earth, being the place of His rule and authority.
  1. That the work of the Church is to follow Christ, preach the Gospel, worship God, teach the word, make disciples, live the truth, demonstrate God’s power, and bring glory to His name.
  1. That the Church is divinely mandated in purpose, prophetic in vision, and apostolic in nature.  It will be built and structured by God upon the Biblical foundations and pattern which He has clearly given in the scriptures.  Therefore, we believe in the present-day working of the five-fold ministry gifts to the Church in the form of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.
  1. That the true Church is made up of those who have been born-again through repentance and believing in the Lord Jesus Christ, who have been baptized in water, and filled with the Holy Spirit as Jesus demonstrated in His example, and commanded in His teaching.
  1. That the Church is the place where Christ is irrevocably proclaimed and seen to be the living head of the Church, and where the Father is worshiped in Spirit and Truth.  Where the presence of God is manifest in power, and the Holy Spirit is allowed to freely move as He wills.  Where the priesthood of all believers is taught and manifested in the life of the local Church and the individual believer.


King's Gate Church was planted in Cochrane in the fall of 1980 by our founding pastors Robert and Angela Butler.  The Butlers immigrated to Canada from England in 1979.  Shortly after arriving in Cochrane they felt called to start a Spirit-filled work in the community.  New Life Christian Fellowship started meeting in their home with five people in attendance.  We soon began to grow and moved into Manachaban school for Sunday service.  Within a few years we purchased our first building, a warehouse on River Ave, which we converted into our church.  We outgrew that facility, and in April of 1994 the membership started the construction of our present building.

Through the faithfullness of the Lord and the efforts of our members the building was ready to move into at the beginning of December 1994.  On January 15, 1995 we experienced a powerful outpouring of the Spirit in our Sunday evening service as God began to release His river of revival upon us.  SInce that time we have experienced many changed lives and some amazing miracles as the waves of refreshing wash over us in the presence of the Lord.  The river of the Spirit continues to get deeper, and our experience with God becomes richer by the day.  He continues to amaze us in our worship services as He touches lives in the power of the Spirit.  Our vision is to see the Kingdom of God released in our church, community, region, and province.  We wait with hunger and anticipation for the next revival to burst forth in our land, a revival the will transform us and our nation.

What's Happening

   Sunday Service            


Our Ministries


We believe that God is raising up a generation of children who are empowered from a young age to release the Kingdom of God wherever they go.  We believe that children do not receive a junior Holy Spirit but are able to We teach them to hear God's voice, develop a secret place of prayer and intimacy with Jesus, worship with passion through flagging and dancing and to pray for healing while grounding them in a love for and knowledge of God's Word.

Small Wonders: Ages 0-3
Adventurers: Ages 3-6
Champions: Ages 7-12

Children's church begins after the worship service in the upper rooms. Children are dismissed from the sanctuary to join the classes after announcements.


Delta Youth

Delta Youth meets multiple times each month.
Grades 7-12

Women of Destiny

Women of Destiny was birthed out of a vision to see women discover who they are in Christ, and to encourage them to discover God's plan for their lives. Our ladies gatherings are some of the most spiritually charged meetings in our church. The ladies meetings are designed to bring the women together for worship, prayer, teaching, fun, and fellowship. 

Men of Vision

We have a vision to see men grow in their faith and fulfill their God-given purpose. Our goal is to gather as men to build strong relationships through worship, prayer, Bible teaching, fun and friendship.  We want to lead each man to find their purpose and identity as men of God.  God has a calling on the life of every man, we just need to discover it.

We are currently offer Men's Bible Study, Men's Maintenance Nights, and social events. 

Second Wind

Robert & Angela Butler - Coordinators

"Second Wind" is a group designed to bring the older generation saints together for fellowship with one another. We call it "Second Wind" because we are not winding down, but winding up for the most exciting part of our lives. We might not be as energetic as we once were, but we do still have energy and we all have the need for relationship with others.  What's more - we have time on our hands. This activity is not meant to be a substitute for spiritual meetings, but rather an additional place for those age 50+ to gather, have fun and relate with people in the same stage of life.

We plan to meet once a month for an informal time of fun and fellowship. We have lots of fun activities in the works, if you're over 50, please plan to join us. Bring your ideas, bring your smile, bring some goodies, but most of all bring yourself.  Keep an eye on the church calendar for more details as they are posted.


The Team

Senior Pastors

Danny & Erin Wilson

Danny and Erin co-lead together as Senior Pastors at King's Gate Church.  They are also anointed worship leaders and teachers of the Word of God.  Danny and Erin are passionate to see the Body of Christ brought into wholeness, health and spiritual maturity.  They are passionate about the Presence of God and  intimacy with the Holy Spirit, obedience to Christ.  They want to see people set free, brought into a relationship with Jesus, and transformed by the power and love of God.


Gillian Butler

Gillian is currently on a sabbatical



Robert & Angela Butler

Apostle Dr. Robert and pastor Angela are the founders of our church. They are parents and grandparents of two children, four grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. They immigrated to Alberta from England in 1979, and planted the church here in 1980. The Butler's see the Church as a living expression of the Kingdom of God and the place where Jesus rules. Their heartbeat and vision is to "equip the saints for the work of service" (Eph.4:12), and to see the local church built solidly upon the Biblical pattern. They believe that this can only be accomplished in the leading and power of the Holy Spirit. They also see the presence of God through worship as being the catalyst to hearing His prophetic voice. They have travelled extensively in ministry to a number of countries around the world, ministering in local churches, retreats, seminars and Bible Schools. They have a sincere desire to keep revival fires burning brightly until Jesus returns.